Tuesday, November 25, 2008


hey people sorry long time no post...

ok today going to tell story about my trip to Macau
so me,mom,and her "arisan" frenz went to macau for4 days

thurs 1st day:
arrived at airport by 12 pm
flight at 1.50
as waiting spend time at the lounge go ol for some time
it took 4 hours to arrived to macau.. went there with viva macau.
shoot..everything in the airplane had to be bought..nothing free
dring,food,blanket,headset,and etc
and it's quite expensive.... a bottle of 125 ml water cost HK@ 20 = 34000
arrived at the hotel "venetian"
WOW...it's so damn nice
to go to our room had to pass the casino..
hey security i'm under 18 and u let me in...wkwkw
had dinner at the food court as it's late already and tired
window shopping

friday 2nd day:
planend to go to HK
went with ferry at 8.30 and choose to went back to macau by 10 pm the last ferry
then there's this funny story
so from the harbor city(kowloon) we're planning to go to causeway bay
as we wanted to go there by mtr so we asked the security how to get to mtr
but they gave the wrong direction...SHOOT u wasted our time
so over the road i asked this guy with "jas"
he's so handsome..argh don't have his picture....argh
wkwkw (just kidding lah ya but he's realy good looking)
he was so nice... as he's going to the MTR as well he wanted to accompay us
such a gentleman.
he helped us alot...eventhough we had waste his time... he walked fast and u know tante'' klo jalan pelan..jadi tuh co nengok'' truz and jalan nya jadi dipelanin

by 9pm went back to ferry

saturday 3rd day:'

just shopping over at the hotel. so inside the hotel there's shopping mall ok..
at nite went to fishermanwraft have dinner there
went back to hotel

sunday 4th day:
so packing up ( i didn't do packing as my mom did)
checking out
window shopping then head back to the airport which only like 5 mins away
head back to jakarta
as arrived at jakarta..
tante roselin(my mom frenz) lost her bag..there's someone mistaken take their luggage
and thanks god the next day on monday she got her luggage back.there's like swarovski stuff inside her luggage...klo mpe ilang si nangis

PS: macau just a small island.. for transport we used the hotel shuttle bus.. so it's free huahaha
I DON'T play ok over the casino.. just passing by the casino to pass throughto get to our room

so this is my story over my vacation


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