Saturday, May 2, 2009


hey peps...
i wanted to tell about my CG 
yesterday we went to Greenlake for CG
and we played canoeing and pedaling (bebel"an yang kayak di ancol)
 it was so fun as the sun was shining nicely
argh i just love it
in my boat which consisted of me, vica , ci peggy and erik
it was fun.. We were playing like around for 1.5 hours
we didn't pedal it, we just let the boat brought by the wind and the flow
however we had to pedal back to get back

it was fun and tiring...
then we had dinner at TnT
there were only 4 girls as the other went to nelson to surp audrey
we had fun...
then went to tapex..the boys left us as they wanted to play dota togerher
ended up 4 of us( cipeg,cimel,vica and me)
plying card till we're so crazy
laughed alot
as ci mel got sugar high....hehehe

(no pict yet still at my camera)

so today is BBQ..can't wait till that time

i dunno why but i woke up at 7 am and can't sleep again till now
padahal jam 3 gw baru tidur....
i want to sleep agian so i will be fresh during the BBQ...
i think i'm getting flu
just hoping i don't get it

i'm trying to get sleep again...

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