Thursday, May 7, 2009


i dunno why but just not in the mood for school
but i have to.. need to hand in my hw or else i'm dead
i'm sick...headache... i think it's bcoz of the weather and too tired
i do have enough of sleep..  hmm i hate rain now..
i do love rain back in jakarta..but here  i hate it
it's almost raining for the whole week
almost everyone is sick.. kalo ga pilek ya batuk ato ga batuk pilek

dari kmrn ujan...kayaknya gara'' keujanaan nih jadi sakit..
hope i get well soo deh...

i want to go home... i want my mommy and my daddy
my mommy who always take care of me when i'm sick
argh i want to be at home sweet home

so cya
see you till the next post

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Today we had a bbq at maldrosa park
it started at 1 and ended up at about 5.30
we went home bcoz it's raining hevily...
thx god during our bbq there's no rain...

then we played some traditional games
like petak jongkok, banteng'an and ular naga
it was fun to play our childhood games again.

then after that we went to gym to play some basketball
and jackpot..i got hit by ball for 5 times....

i think im going to be sick.
i just hope i'm not

going to sleep now
nite guys

Saturday, May 2, 2009


hey peps...
i wanted to tell about my CG 
yesterday we went to Greenlake for CG
and we played canoeing and pedaling (bebel"an yang kayak di ancol)
 it was so fun as the sun was shining nicely
argh i just love it
in my boat which consisted of me, vica , ci peggy and erik
it was fun.. We were playing like around for 1.5 hours
we didn't pedal it, we just let the boat brought by the wind and the flow
however we had to pedal back to get back

it was fun and tiring...
then we had dinner at TnT
there were only 4 girls as the other went to nelson to surp audrey
we had fun...
then went to tapex..the boys left us as they wanted to play dota togerher
ended up 4 of us( cipeg,cimel,vica and me)
plying card till we're so crazy
laughed alot
as ci mel got sugar high....hehehe

(no pict yet still at my camera)

so today is BBQ..can't wait till that time

i dunno why but i woke up at 7 am and can't sleep again till now
padahal jam 3 gw baru tidur....
i want to sleep agian so i will be fresh during the BBQ...
i think i'm getting flu
just hoping i don't get it

i'm trying to get sleep again...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

girls day out

helllo peps
just a short blog i guess

today. coz of lack of,randy and vicca
skipped our esl class with a reason to our teacher that we wanted to see our agent

then turn out to go home to meridian
and headed to Northgate mall
had  a lot of fun
we're like having so much fun
laughing all the way.
with all the jokes we had..

thx girls for this unexpected day out
we should have another day like this
with ribka too...cya


Another farewell

"disetiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan"
that's a good phrase for shoreliners now...
another farewell
another people going for good
i know it's the time..
but i just get to know them for a short time

11 march: Mikel's farewell.. he's going back to indo...dunno when he's coming back here.. i just felt that i just know him. but suddenly he had to go.. spending the last day with him

30 April: it's pepe farewell..... just another farewell...phe had to go.her news about going back to indonesia was a shocked. I just knew about her going back last Saturday.. it's also because jojo suddenly say about it..

i know it's for their own good.. 
good luck phe and mikel

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

all of a sudden

i dunno why..but all of a sudden i cried
i cried coz i miss my mom
after i received sms from her..i cried
i called vicca and released it all to her

i think that because i had kept all of my feeling for a long time 
and tonite everything i had kept.... keluar semua isinya
i miss my frenz
i miss my fam
i miss the time i had with my parents
i miss the time i had with my frenz
i just want to meet them
but i know life must go on..
and this is the path that i choose

all the burden i had.. i took it out tonite
i cried to release all my burden..
all of my problem....
coz i know i have friends that will help me....

thanks for being there for me to share

i love u guys

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


hey peps... i dunno why i just have the feeling to write now
ok what i did today?
 went to school as usual at 9am..picked up by murid (kelvin chan)
then had class till 3..
head home..sleep... go to Uthe's apt then feli's apt

HAPPY BDAY FELI.. i dun't have the pict yet as Jojo is the one with the camera tonite.. so not all of us are there just now..maybe tom will have another surp..i have no idea

hmm feli cried..i dunno why.. either she's "terharu" or sthg idea at all

tom i'm going to have maths and Esl quiz..
didn't study but i hope i can do it...
then don't join the ESL class because of sthg... 

KOXY,...good luck ya bole madol!!

koxy is my koko here.. he's my koko because he is my step koko...iya ga ko?

so will see what will happen tom
